
As an integral aspect of our church life that holds immense significance, our sacraments are sacred pillars that uphold the spiritual structure of our faith, providing us with profound experiences of God’s presence and grace. They offer us a tangible way to connect with the divine, guiding us through life’s journey with purpose and a strong sense of community. We aim to provide an understanding why they are considered the cornerstone of our faith and how they enrich our connection to both the spiritual and communal dimensions of our beliefs.

Anointing of the Sick

When faced with illness or age, it’s comforting to know that the love of Christ is there to heal and strengthen us, both spiritually and physically. The Anointing of the Sick is a sacred rite that offers solace to those who are seriously ill, elderly, infirm, preparing for surgery or when in danger of death. By receiving this sacrament, one receives the gentle embrace of Jesus Christ.

When or how often can one receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? This sacrament can be given to any individual at any point during their lifetime, and as often as needed. In the event of a prolonged illness, the person may even be anointed more than once. A person may also choose to be anointed before surgery or due to advanced age or frailty. By Church tradition, this sacrament is usually given in minimum intervals of six months.


The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is the essential foundation of the entire Christian life.  It serves as the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua) by unlocking the doors to the other sacraments. Through the waters of Baptism, we are cleansed of all sin and born again as beloved children of God. We are then welcomed into the body of Christ, the Church, and given the opportunity to participate in her divine mission. Baptism is an option for any age–from infant to the elderly.

Baptism of a Child
In choosing to have a child baptized the parents take upon themselves the responsibility to bring the child up in the catholic faith, teaching them God’s  commandments as well as their prayers, going to mass, and assisting to also grow in the faith and the love of God. So we ask you, please reflect on these as you consider baptism.

In choosing a Godparent or Sponsor for your child, it is important to consider individuals who not only share the Catholic faith, but live it as well.  Godparents should play a crucial role in your child’s life, serving as witnesses to the baptism as well as partners in the spiritual upbringing of the child.  

  • They must be at least 16 years of age
  • They should be practicing Catholics who have received the sacraments of Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist
  • Although most of the time there are two godparents, each of different sex, you may choose to have only one.  This one, or at least one if there are multiples, must have received the sacrament of Confirmation.
  • A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may be admitted only if accompanied by one other who is a confirmed Catholic.  The non-Catholic individual will officially be recognized as a witness to the baptism, but not as godparent.

Baptisms are typically celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 12 pm.

Baptism of Adult

For those who have never been baptized or were not baptized in the Trinitarian formula.

  • Adults who have never been baptized or were but not in the Trinitarian formula (Baptism formula being: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit), and wish to join the Catholic Church will embark on a beautiful journey–the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), a transformative experience tailored to each individual’s needs, allowing them to take the time required to feel fully ready. The culmination of this incredible journey happens during the Easter Vigil, where they will joyfully receive the sacrament of baptism.

For those baptized outside the Catholic church but in the Trinitarian Formula

The Catholic Church warmly recognizes the baptisms of those who have been baptized in other Christian denominations that follow the Sacred formula: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. So, for everyone who has been baptized outside of the Catholic faith but in accordance with this profound Trinitarian formula.  Once they have completed their period of discernment and find themselves ready, they will be invited to joyfully profess their faith at the Easter Vigil, and immediately become full-fledged members of our Catholic family right then and there.

First Communion & First Reconciliation

At the heart of our faith lies the Eucharist, the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It’s more than a mere symbol; it is a divine bond that unites us with the heavenly liturgy and gives us a taste of eternal life. This sacrament is not just a personal encounter; it strengthens the very fabric of the Church itself. Through the beautiful ritual of the Eucharistic celebration, we experience a profound connection with our Lord and Savior. When we partake in this holy sacrament with reverence and gratitude, we recognize the transformative power it holds for our lives.

For a Child

Registration for both of these Sacraments can only be done after the child is participating in regular catechesis either in our parish’s Catechetical program or at a Catholic School. For more information please contact us by submitting your inquiry, press here, or contacting Gloria Alves in the Catechetical office, number (908)464-8156.

For an Adult

We invite you to take part in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), a guided journey but at the same time individual unique to you. Once your formal journey is complete, and you feel ready you’ll be invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the next period of Lent followed by receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist  during the Easter Season. For more information please contact us by submitting your inquiry, press here, or contacting Gloria Alves in the Catechetical office, number (908)464-8156.


Just as we grow physically, intellectually, and emotionally, we need to grow spiritually as well. Confirmation is that step that not only draws us closer to God, but at the same time fulfills in us the promises made on our behalf on the day of our baptism.  It is in our confirmation that we receive the Holy Spirit in His Fullness
For those interested in finding out more about our program, please see our EDUCATION page (internal link to education page).


Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding.  We pray that the grace of God that has brought you to this point in your lives  will continue not only through this period of your engagement but throughout your marriage.

What you need to know and do:

Before anything else, the two of you must reflect on what you are undertaking as you get married in the catholic Church, marriage is for life.  The Sacrament of Marriage is a union established between the two that will be entering into this union and God Himself  When entering into marriage in the Catholic Church the two spouses must make three promises: the first being fidelity, the second being open to children if God so grants it, and the third is the promise that this marriage is to be for life as long as you are both living.  After answering yes to all of these and having committed to them, the next step is getting in contact with a priest.

Ready to get started?

It’s easy, the first thing you do is choose a priest, and he’ll guide you through the rest.  Reach out to him at the end of mass or call the rectory.

For the actual process of getting married at Our Lady of Peace Parish, this being after you speak to one of our priests, please click here.

Confessions at OLP

  • Individualized in-person on Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Church
  • You may choose to go face to face by asking for the curtain to be opened, or go anonymously by keeping the curtain closed.
  • Individualized in-person by appointment.
  • To make an appointment, please call the rectory at 908-464-7600.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation, aka confession, is a Sacrament instituted by Christ to help us draw back closer to God after offending Him with our sins. This command is seen both in John 20:22-23 and Matthew 18:18.

A true confession must have three parts, the penitent must declare that has sinned against God and verbally pronounce the sins, and at the end ask God for forgiveness.  The penitent is then given a penance (something that he or she must do as a physical sign of penance) and get absolution.  Once the absolution is given and the penance completed the sin is completely forgiven and forgotten by God.

It is very important to remember that when confessing we are confessing to God directly, and the priest at that moment is there in the person of Christ, very important, not as Christ’s representative but as Christ Himself.  Therefore everything that is said in the confessional cannot leave the confessional.  If a priest was to reveal any specific sin that a specific person has said he is instantly excommunicated from the church by God.  And only an act from the pope in Rome can bring him back to the church.  A priest does not have automatic authority to hear confessions on the day of his ordination, it is given to him later on by his bishop, and as it is given to him separately from his ordination he may continue to be a priest but not be abe to hear confessions.

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