About OLP

We, the family of Our Lady of Peace are:
God in the faithful, transformed into the faithful of God, to bring the heavens to the earth and elevate the earth to the Heavens.

In the true spirit of our mission statement, we are here to serve, so please, feel free to contact us here at Our Lady of Peace if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you. God Bless.

Parish Rectory Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Parish Office Phone: (908) 464-7600
Tuesday, Fridays 8:00AM – 6:00PM (Closed Fridays during summer)
Parish Office Fax: (908) 508-1845
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Rectory Staff

Mrs. Valerie
Rectory Office Administrator
Mrs. Dee Crisafi
Financial Assistant
Mrs. Karen Parenti
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor

Parish Priests

Rev. Francisco Mendonça


Msgr Robert Harahan
Msgr Robert Harahan

faith Formation (Religious Ed) Office

Mrs. Gloria Alves
Director of Religious Education

Music Ministry

Ms. Sara McCabe
Director of Music, Director of Social Media, Organist

Youth Ministry

Rachael Flanagan
Coordinator of Youth Ministry

The Academy

Mr. James Gargiulo

Mrs. Kathleen Brady

Administrative Assistant to the Principal
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